Hoping this post on a hot button issue does not lose me some friends.
My perspective changes. My mind changes… So remember to comment and let’s discuss rather than just CANCEL.
Am I pro-choice or pro-life?
The answer will most definitely surprise you. Read until the end to find out.
But first let’s talk about – pro-birth.
To my sweet friends. Don’t be just pro-birth.
Christians get accused of this often. You’ll hear, “They don’t care about the mother, they don’t care what happens after the baby is born.”
And we sure do need to care.
I heard a speaker say one time – “You can’t be pro-life, without being pro-foster care and pro-adoption”.
We need to care about the WHOLE LIFE. Every life.
To care – there must be action.

Do you care enough to become a foster parent?
How about enough to commit to adopting any child to save them from abortion- promising to give them a loving home?
If you know you are not physically (or emotionally) able to do this, are you willing to commit to supporting those who can. Can you support a foster family?
Can you support a struggling mom? Can you wrap around a family in need? How about a pregnant teen? A homeless person battling addiction?
Why don't churches have houses to care for pregnant women in need? Do they and I don't know about this? How can I start doing this in my neighborhood?
Jesus tells us to “Love our neighbors like ourselves”.
If you are stable, financially, emotionally, etc., you are lucky enough to be able to love yourself.
Maybe, like many of us, you’ve had to work hard to get to that place. Now that you are there, it’s time to spread that love to others.
It takes more than just words. It takes ACTION. What action can you take today to love your neighbor and be truly FOR LIFE – for everyone.
Am I pro-life or pro-choice?
The answer is BOTH.
I want women to have the CHOICE – and I want them to CHOOSE for their children to LIVE!
I am forever optimistic (some might even say annoyingly idealistic).
I believe this can happen. With education and with love. And with action.
I don’t want to live in a world where women do not have rights.
Or where women are downgraded to mere baby making machines.
Or where women are traumatized and abused. Where their feelings, and hopes, and dreams don’t matter.
Or where a woman is forced to make a dangerous decision for her health because of lack of options.
Where women are judged by the hard decisions they are forced to make.
And I do know there are plenty places in this world where this occurs regularly – but again I am optimistic we can eradicate even this – everything is possible with love.
I also don’t want to live in a world where we do not value the life of a child – beginning with an unborn child.
Where the unborn are seen as nothing and the lives of ‘unwanted’ or ‘unplanned’ children are also downgraded.
I’ve seen this in my experience with the foster care system.
It sometimes feels like children’s lives have little worth in our society. Their abusers go free. There is no justice.
I don’t want to live in a world where abortion is so commonplace that we don’t see what it really is. The language is softened around it so that we can deceive ourselves.
Or a world where people are devoid of responsibility for their actions and an easy way out is always presented to them.
Where the emotional traumatizing side effects of abortion are ignored. Where more pregnancies are terminated than come to full term. Where abortion is the only option presented.
I don’t want a world where special needs kids (like my own) are not given a chance at life.
I don’t want to live in a world were women are shamed.
Shamed as baby killers. Or shamed as “a drain on society”.
In the US, we have the most money.
We should take care of each other. We should be the most educated. We should be able to discuss things without resorting to hate and violence.
The truth is, we need to discuss this.
We need to push and pull on this issue.
We need to have passionate people on both sides and we need to bring this up every so often and hash it out.
Otherwise, we could end up living in a world at one extreme or the other. And no one wants that…
Whatever your opinion is, DON’T BE USED.
Let’s not be pawns in some political war.
Let’s not resort to violence or name calling.
Both sides of this issue are filled with people who believe their cause is righteous – and they are.
Women’s rights is a righteous cause.
The sanctity of life is a righteous cause.
Do our leaders love when we fight amongst ourselves?
Absolutely. That’s how they get the votes.
So let’s discuss.
Let’s think critically, get educated, find the truth. Let’s be respectful and meet in the middle. And above all, let’s do it with love.
