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He Overcomes: How God released our son from an incurable illness.

Writer's picture: The Hanai HomeThe Hanai Home

Kavasi was born with an Apgar score of 0.

He was lifeless and doctors had to resuscitate him.

They put him on palliative care and expected him to die.

But, he lived!

Without any further human help. He survived. Just him, and God.

Fast forward to the first weeks after we had brought him home:

Kavasi is not doing well.

He is having uncontrolled seizures, increasing in frequency and duration.

Up to 10 per hour and lasting between 30 seconds and 15 minutes!

His body tightens, his legs scissor and he screams in agony.

We are on the phone daily with specialists in Honolulu and their advice is always the same:

Increase the medication.

After all, this is epilepsy, there was no cure, only treatment.

If you read part 1 of this story, then you know that up until now we had been unnaturally calm about the seriousness of Kavasi's condition.

Looking back, we know that God had kept our eyes closed. God was protecting us, so that we would not panic and quit before bringing Kavasi home.

In fact, we have since learned that several other families had started the adoption process for Kavasi, but had stopped when they learned about his medical situation.

One fateful night, it was all revealed.

I was standing over his crib and he was convulsing.

We were told not to pick him up, just watch and time the seizures.

His little body went ridged over and over again. His mouth was open in a silent scream.

The crib shook as minutes passed so slowly by.

My own tears hit the sheets as I looked down.

My eyes were wide open now.

This is the revelation that rolled over me:

This child could die in my care.

I was suddenly utterly incompetent. I had no control over the situation.

The fear was total. And it completely broke me.

How could a baby continue to live in this kind of anguish?

At this lowest point, I prayed from the depths of my soul.

"Please God take these seizures away from him. I know it's not supposed to be possible, but please take these away from him so at least he has a chance!"

And I picked him up, and rocked him until his body was still. He was asleep.

The next day, traumatized, we trucked out again to see our pediatrician. Only our regular doctor wasn't in that day. There was a substitute.

The first thing she said was "So this is Kavasi, I've been praying for him."

My jaw hit the floor.

It turns out she had adopted from the same agency and she had read about us in the newsletter!

This incredible angel of a pediatrician sat with us for the next half an hour to observe Kavasi's episodes.

"Those don't look like seizures," she told me.

But they have to be, I had replied. Everyone told met they were: doctors, specialists, neurologists....

But had any of them ever sat with him for even a 1/2 hour?

If they had, they would have noticed that Kavasi was wide awake and aware the whole time he was seizing. And, if you picked him up and comforted him, then the "seizure" would end sooner. According to our angel doctor, that's NOT how a seizure works.

And it turns out, she was right!

How does God overcome epilepsy?

How does he cure an incurable disease?

Well in this case, by revealing that he never had epilepsy at all!

So, what was really going on?

Muscle dystonia (AKA severe muscle spasms) - caused by the anti seizure medications!

No wonder it was getting worse as we kept increasing the meds!

When Kavasi was newborn, someone prescribed him anti-seizure meds as a preventative measure. He had been having these convulsions as a reaction to the drugs ever since.

We were then able to wean him off those meds - and the convulsions NEVER CAME BACK!

In fact, many of his other ailments mysteriously disappeared as well. His development started up and we were able to wean him off the G-tube feedings and asthma medications.

All the glory goes to God!

He emboldened us to bring Kavasi home.

He broke me down until my prayer was at its most pure.

He brought the right doctor into Kavasi's life at exactly the right time.

He kept Kavasi alive and overcame his afflictions.

He allowed us to witness this miracle.

And Kavasi's miracle continues to this day!

Please subscribe to keep up with Kavasi's progress .

P.S. All 3 of the medically fragile children that we are raising were put on the same medication that caused Kavasi's convulsions while they were in foster care. The overmedicating of foster kids is real and must be watched out for... More on this in later posts.

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Deb Hanchett-Adams
Deb Hanchett-Adams
01 avr. 2022

i am loving your story of faith, trust and love... Deb Adams

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